For Emergencies and Crimes in Progress, call 911
What may be reported online?
If you are not reporting an emergency or a crime actively in progress, the following crimes or occurrences may be reported online if they occurred within the City of Tacoma limits:
Identity Theft
Somone uses your Social Security number or other personal information to open new accounts, file for unemployment, make a purchase, get a tax refund, or any other manner in order to garner personnel financial gain.
The wrongful taking of personal property, not including firearms, vehicles, or vehicle license plates.
Vehicle Prowl
Property has been unlawfully taken from inside of a vehicle, or an attempt to take property from inside of a vehicle has been made.
Vandalism or Destruction of Property
Physical damage caused to another person's property; writing, painting, drawing, or marking of any property with paint, ink, markers, or other substance.
Lost Property
Missing or misplaced property; property with no readily identifiable owner.
What may not be reported online?
For the following crimes or occurrences please call the Tacoma Police non-emergency number at (253) 287-4455:
- Crimes of violence (call 911)
- Stolen or lost guns
- Stolen or lost license plates
- Stolen or lost vehicles
- Vehicle accidents
- Vehicle hit and runs
For non-criminal matters such as complaints or code violations, please contact the City of Tacoma Customer Support Center at 311 or from outside the city (253)591-5000 or online at